Monday, May 24, 2010

What has happened so far today.

Today started off great with me getting up at 5:00AM and starting the laundry while mom was still sleeping, and being able to have a little time to myself, she woke up at around 6:00AM (I think she is awake, she still has her eyes closed), and has been calling for one of her brother's who passed away almost 25 years ago. She has also been saying she wants to lay in bed and waist away and come home and be with the rest of her family. From what I have been reading and have learned from other's in the family, that is normal for someone who is ready to die, and who has Alzheimer's.

We found out over a year ago that she had Alzheimer's, so the Doctor put her on some medicine that doesn't seem to be helping that much, or at least i do not think so. I know it (alzheimer's) affects their thinking and it has affected mom's, she is confused most of the time and doesn't know where she is at, or who is here, and the last few weeks she doesn't remember my name part of the time and calls me Jake, her brother's name. Other's have also noticed that she getting worse, and most of them do not come around that often anymore. I know they hate seeing her this way, but they need to come and visit, since she looks forward to them coming and wonders why they do not come, she also thinks they do not love her anymore, and sometimes I feel the same way. Take mom's sister's two daughter's for instance, when we sold the farm, they talked mom into buying a house here in town, they said they would be able to come over and visit more often and help me with her. They come over less then they did and the only time they help is when I call them, sure one of the works, but she could at least come over after work so I could go shopping, as for the other one, she comes over maybe once a month, and when I call needing help, she says she has things to do and can not come over. I am so mad at them that i have almost told them several times that if they can not come over and see mom now and help me with her, they might as well forget about coming to the Funeral. I do know one thing, after mom is gone it will be a cold day in Hades before I ever go over to their houses, and I also do not want them in mine.