Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Busy Year

This last year has been a busy one for me, starting with the new roof on the house, and ending this last month with mom's unexpected death and it was hard on me being as close as I was to mom. It was even harder on my brother, who was on his way up from Memphis when mom died, she was laying in he Hospital bed when he got there and crawled into bed with her and stayed there for almost 30 minutes. I am still  going through her cloth and getting them ready to go to Goodwill, as for the rest of her things, since mom and I went together and bought the house, it is all mine, so I am taking my time going through it room by room.

How have I coped with mom dying you nay be asking, it is my faith in the 12 Gods of Olympus, and knowing they have been with me and watching over me this past month and year and as I am writing this I am sending them my Prayers and Love.